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Tuesday 16 April 2013


Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita that even after the Realization of the Absolute Brahma, even when the binding influences of all actions are completely finished, still the Realized soul continues to act according to his previous habits.
Man's common acts remain totally in the hands of his preconceptions and prejudices, which are the constant by-products of his lifelong karmas (in work which he was engaged). It is not possible to get rid of these without kindling the fire of wisdom in the state of deep Lovetrance, and burning them by permeating all the dimensions of life with the experience of the beyond, and being resurrected in the new planet of bliss-enlightenment within oneself. It is from here that activities flow in the river of happenings.
As long as the binding influences of actions exist, as long as the preconceptions, prejudices, and superstitions are there, DOING is the way of life. And you can in no way save yourself from the tensions, worries, and miseries of life. As long as you are a doer, there is no way to escape prejudices and superstitions. If you remain a doer, you can only fool and console yourself by declaring yourself to be free and independent, and this is how our planet has constantly remained a fool's paradise for innumerable people.
When the incident occurs which Krishna indicates -
jñànàgni dagdhah karmànam
burning all actions in the fire of knowledge, then from the ashes springs a new planet of bliss-enlightenment where a Realized soul always lives, moves, and talks. Then all the actions, all the large scale industries, all the master plans erupt as manifestations of bliss. They spring up as a proof that there exists a kingdom of heaven. They are just silent proclamation of God's existence.
Then THE HAPPENING becomes the way of life, and there is no way to escape from the shower of permanent peace, undisturbable joy, and inner contentment. The act springs from happiness. In itself, it is pure happiness, and this dissolves in eternal happiness.
Then man has gotten rid of his long troublesome tail of his past, and his big nose in the form of his future. He just stays in the present which transforms into one eternity --But this eternity is vibrant, dynamic, diversified, and innumerable miracles are always happening there. This river of happening alone, is beyond preconceptions, prejudices, superstitions, and then there is no sin nor merits.
Then innocence is the way of life. Whatever the existence offers, he relishes it, enjoys it, and is rejuvenated. Then freedom is everlasting and independence is approved, not by some politician or religious preacher, but approved by the whole of nature, by the entirety of this existence.
But even then in such universal freedom and cosmic-independence, Lord Krishna says --Most Realized souls act as they have been acting or behaving previously, dealing with or tackling the problems as before. Although they have full control over their habits and temperaments, they can choose to compose new habits, new psychological states, and a new fashion of living, but they just "let go".
Sri Hanumanji had a habit of eating. Every early morning he felt hungry, an extreme hunger. There is only one beautiful place for Him to approach, and that is the abode of Mother Sita.
This particular day, Mother Sita was a little late with her bath. She had put on a fresh new silk sari and sitting near a dressing table she was putting vermillion on her forehead. She was so absorbed, so joyfully fixing it, that she was not aware of the arrival of Hanumanji Who was standing behind her, innocently looking and wondering what that red stuff was.
When the Empress finished the act she turned back and saw Hanumanji.
"Oh, Hanuman, how long have You been standing here. Look, Your breakfast is all ready."
"I arrived just now, Mother Sita," He said after saluting the Empress. "But before I eat, I want to know what that red stuff is you have fixed on your forehead with such deep affection?"
Hanumanji must have seen it before, but since it was not His subject He never thought about it until Mother Sita herself was applying it. Hanumanji thought it must be a very important part of spirituality so He asked very seriously.
"Hanuman, Your Emperor feels happy to see it," Mother Sita replied laughingly, as she offered Him a big plate of sweet balls made from the flour of garbanzo beans and ghee.
"All ladies are very good," Hanumanji was thinking while eating. "Each one of them puts vermillion on so carefully and joyfully -They all want to satisfy My Lord. How sweet they are."
He finished His breakfast and then He went to His room and took a big bottle of perfumed oil and poured it over His head, and then pasted vermillion all over His body from head to toe. His whole body became dark red. His large features, wide chest, golden hairs all over His body were colored with red paste. Hanumanji resembled the rising sun reddening all around.
It was time to be in the Royal assembly so He rushed out and as He entered the gate the whole assembly looked at Him greatly amazed and began to smile, but when the Emperor and Empress laughed whole heartedly the laughter became epidemic. All laughed and laughed.
Finally, when the laughter subsided, Sri Ram asked,
"Hanumanji, why did You put on the vermillion all over your body?"
"My Lord," Hanumanji replied with folded hands in deepest reverence, "Mother said that this red paste pleases You, so I thought that if even a tiny mark on a forehead pleases You, My Lord, then how much greater would be Your joy if I pasted it all over My body," Hanumanji spoke peacefully.
Sri Ram became silent for a while and declared in a graceful voice.
"Today is Tuesday, Hanumanji's birthday! Whoever worships Him today with oil and vermillion paste, his desires, his ambitions will certainly be fulfilled, and if he has no desire at all, he will attain My love transforming into universal-consciousness."
Sri Ram's voice echoed in the assembly and all the members clapped their hands for a long time and developed greater love and respect for Hanumanji. Thus all the brothers of Sri Ram, the mothers and other ladies of the palace, all the ministers of the assembly, even all the citizens of Ayodhya developed a greater love and adoration for Sri Hanumanji.
"As the Father hath loved me, I loved you, and as I loved you, you love one another."
Sita loved Ram and Ram loved Sita; this love was unique. Hanumanji loved Ram and Ram loved Hanumanji and this love was unique. Urmila loved Lakshmana and Lakshmana loved Urmila and they loved Sri Ram and Sri Ram loved them and this love was unique. The whole city of Ayodhya loved Sita Ram and Sita Ram loved their subjects and this love went on spreading, encircling, embracing the whole universe.
The firmament of Ayodhya became colored with the color of Lovetrance. This enlightened all life atoms on the planet Earth like one sunbeam enlightens the whole solar system. It infused into the atmosphere of the whole earth a greatest possible serenity and placidity and it expressed the transcendental love of Sita Ram in a thousand and one divine intoxications.


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