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Monday, 22 April 2013

Sundara Kanda 23

Chapter [Sarga] 23


This chapter describes the ogre women speaking to Seetha about her marrying Ravana.

ityuktvaa maithiliiM raajaa raavaNaH shatruraavaNaH |
saMdishya cha tataH sarvaa raakSasiirnirjagaama ha || 5-23-1
The king Ravana, who makes enemies to cry,  thus speaking to Seetha and also ordering all ogre women,  thereafter  went away.
niSkrante raakSasendra tu punarantaHpuraM gate |
raakSasyo bhiimaruupaastaaH siitaaM samabhidudruvuH || 5-23-2
After Ravana left and obtained gynaeceum, those ogres with horrible appearances went running to Seetha.
tataH siitaamupaagamya raakSasyaH krodhamuurchitaaH |
paraM puruSayaa vaachaa vaidehiimidamabravan || 5-23-3
Thereafter reaching Seetha ogre women swooned with anger and with a very harsh speech spoke these words to Seetha.
paulastyasya variSThasya raavaNasya mahaatmanaH |
dashagriivasya bhaaryaatvaM siite na bahumanyase || 5-23-4
"O Seetha! Raavana, the best among men, born in the family of Paulastya and is a great soul with ten heads. You are not respscting becoming wife of Ravana "
tatasvaekajaTaa naama raakSasii vaakyamabraviit |
amantyra krodhataamraakSii siitaaM karatalodariim || 5-23-5
Thereafter an ogre woman named Ekajata whose eyes are filled with red due to anger spoke these words to Seetha, the one with a stomach that can be held by palm of the hand.
prajaapatiinaam SaNNaM tu chaturtho yaH prajaapatiH |
maanaso brahmaNaH putraH pulastya iti vishrutaH || 5-23-6
"Among the six Prajapatis, the fourth Prajapati is Paulastya. He is born by the thought of Lord Brahma.."
pulastyasya tu tejasvii mahaarSirmaanasaH sutaH |
naamnaa sa vishravaa naama prajaapatisamaprabhaH || 5-23-7
Visravasu is born to Paulastya by his thought. Visravasu, is a glorious sage and has radiance equalling that of Lord Brahma .
tasya putro vishaalaakSi raavaNaH shatruraavaNaH |
tasya tvaM raakSasendrasya bhaaryaa bhavitumarhasi || 5-23-8
mayoktaM chaarusarvaaN^gi vaakyam kiM naamamanyase |
"O wide eyed one! Ravana who makes enemies to cry, is Visravasu's son. You are suited to become Ravana's wife. O one with all beautiful limbs! Why will you not agree words spoken by me."
tato harijaTaa naama raakSasii vaakyamabraviit || 5-23-9
vivartya nayane kopaanmaarjaarasadR^ishekSaNaa |
Thereafter an ogre woman named Harijata with eyes like those of a cat turned around eyes due to anger and spoke these words.
yena devaastraayastriMshaddevaraajashcha nirjataaH || 5-23-10
tasya tvaM raakSasendrasya bhaaryaa bhavitumarhasi |
"Thirty three crore Devas and the Indra - king of Devas- have been conquered by Raavana. You are suited to become the wife of that lord of ogres.
tatastu praghasaa naama raakSasii krodhamuurchhitaa || 5-23-11
bhartsayanii tadaa ghoramidaM vachanamabraviit |
Thereafter an ogre named Praghasa swooning with anger and then frightening Seetha, spoke this horrible word.
viiryotsiktasya shuurasya samgraame na nivartinaH || 5-23-12
balino viiryayuktasya bhaaryaatvam kiM na lapsyase |
"Why will you not get wifehood of Ravana who is proud of his might, valiant, who will not turn back in wars, who is strong together with valour."
priyaaM bahumataaM bhaaryaaM tyaktvaa raajaa mahaabalaH || 5-23-13
sarvaasaaM cha mahaabhaagaaM tvaamupaiSyati raavaNaH |
"The mighty Ravana can leave his dearest and respectable wife among all his wives and can make you Queen. There is no other better fortune than this."
samR^iddham striisahasreNa naanaaratnopashobhitam || 5-23-14
antaHpuraM samutsR^ijya tvaamupaiSyati raavaNaH |
"Ravana leaving gynaeceum filled with thousand women and shone by various best things can obtain you.
anyaa tu vikaTaa naama raakSasii vaakyamabraviit || 5-23-15
asakR^iddevataa yuddhe naagagandharvadaanavaaH |
nirjitaaH samare yena sate paarshvamupaagataH || 5-23-16
Another ogre woman named Vikata spoke these words: "hom a number of times in war Devas, in war Nagas, Gandharvas and Danavas have been conquered that Ravana , who many times conquered  Devas, Naagas, Gandharvas and Daanavaas  in the war, has come to your side."
tasya sarvasamR^iddhasya raavaNasya mahaatmanaH |
kimadya raakSasendrasya bhaaryaatvaM nechchha.adhame || 5-23-17
"O vile one! Why are you not desiring wifehood of such Ravana, who isfulfilled in all respects and who is a great soul and lord of ogres.
tatastu durmukhii naama raakSasii vaakyamabraviit |
yasya suuryo na tapati bhiito yasya cha maarutaH || 5-23-18
na vaati smaayataapaaN^ge kiM tvaM tasya na tiSThasi |
Thereafter an ogre woman named Durmukhi spoke these words: " O one with long eyes! Fearing whom the sun will not comsume by heat, fearing whom the wind god will not blow, you are refusing to accept him. This is unpardonable."
puShpavR^iSTaM cha taravo mumuchir yasya vai bhayaat || 5-23-19
shailaashcha subhru paaniiyam jaladaashcha yadechchhati |
tasya nairR^itaraajasya raajaraajasya bhaamini || 5-23-20
kiM tvaM na kuruSe buddhiM bhaaryaarthe raavaNasya hi |
"O one with good eyebrows! O Seetha! By the fear of Raavana trees shed a shower of flowers and whenever Ravana desired mountains and clouds will shed water.  Why you are not making up your mind to be the wife of such Ravana, who is the king of ogres and king of kings."
saadhu te tattvato devi kathitaM saadhu bhaamini || 5-23-21
gR^ihaaNa susmite vaakyamanyathaa na bhaviSyasi |
"O Seetha with a good smile! O princess! Understand the kind words spoken to you well and truly." 
ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe trayoviMshaH sargaH
Thus completes 23rd Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.


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